Public Notice of Institutional Closure – GIA Korea

The GIA Korea education location will close on December 31, 2018. The GIA Board of Governors determined in 2015 that GIA education would be best served under direct GIA management. GIA is committed to supporting our students and alumni and may explore options for distance education offerings in Korea in the future. It is likely that these services will be unavailable in Korea for an extended period of time.

GIA wishes to express its great appreciation and respect to Mr. Dong Keuk Kim for his stewardship of the licensed school in Korea for nearly 29 years.

GIA Korea will continue to operate through December 31, 2018. Current distance education students must complete their GIA education by the end of December 31, 2018 to ensure the availability of Korean language courses and the support of GIA Korea instructors.

GIA’s headquarters located in Carlsbad, California will be the records retention center for GIA Korea. To order transcripts or replacement diplomas or certificates, contact us.

We again wish to thank Mr. Kim and his staff, as well as all of the students and alumni in Korea, for their commitment to GIA. For more information in Korean, please visit the GIA Korea website.