Rare and Out-of-Print Booksellers
To help you in searching for specialized books
This list has been compiled for informational purposes only and does not imply endorsement by GIA
Antiquariaat Asher BV (The Netherlands)
Antiquariaat Junk (England)
Barnes & Noble
Bauman Rare Books
The Catalog Kid
Dieter Schierenberg BV (The Netherlands)
Ed Rogers
Far East Gallery
Hermann L. Strack (France)
J. M. Cohen Rare Books
James G. Leishman, Bookseller (Seller does not have a website or email address), 541-899-8479, Jacksonville, FL
Jeff Weber Rare Books
Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller
Liberia del Porcellino (Italy)
Nevada Mineral & Book Company
Nigel Phillips Rare Books (England)
Pagano, Renato & Adriana (Italy)
Paleo Publications
PBA Galleries
Rocks of Ages
Roger Gaskell Rare Books (England)
Sokol Books, Ltd. (England)