Industry Periodicals
A listing of selected trade publications around the world
18 Karati Gold & Fashion
The Australian Gemmologist
Bangkok Gems & Jewellery
De Belgische Diamantnijverheid
Le Bijoutier
Canadian Jeweller
Diamond World
Gemmologie: Zeitschrift Der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschaft
Gems & Gemology
Gems & Jewellery
Gem Guide (Gem Market News)
GZ: Goldschmiede Zeitung
Hong Kong Jewellery
IDEX Magazine
Indian Jeweller
Japan Precious
JCK (Jewelers’ Circular Keystone)
Jeweller (Australia)
The Jeweller (Great Britain)
Jewellery Business
Jewellery Time
JNA (Jewellery News Asia)
Journal of Gemmology
Journal of the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong
Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist
Lapis: Mineralien Magazin
Mineralogical Record
Mining Journal
MJSA Journal
National Jeweler
L'Orafo Italiano
Rapaport Magazine
Le Règne Minéral
Retail Jeweller
Revue De Gemmologie A.F.G.
Rock & Gem
Rocks & Minerals
Schmuck Magazin
Solitaire International
Solitaire: The Fine Art of Jewellery