Golden Gate Chapter: Clasps- 4,000 Years of Fasteners in Jewellery
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
6:45 p.m.
San Francisco, CA
The GIA Alumni Golden Gate Chapter is pleased to invite Anna Tabakhova to share a historical journey of jewelry and walk through time and space for - "Clasps, 4,000 Years of Fasteners in Jewellery”. From the Bronze Age to contemporary jewelry; 4,700 years studied, 32 historians consulted, 22 museums involved; 76 contributors, jewelers, artists and creators of 30 countries – each provided rich historical input on the evolution of jewelry clasps and their development seen over millennia, a story told for the first time, by Tabakhova.
Tabakhova is a jeweller-designer, born and working in Paris. Her approach is both that of a jeweler at her bench and that of a collector who likes to share her discoveries. She carried out her research starting from her own jewel collection – focused on interchangeable clasps – and documented this history of clasps through museums and private collections, meeting jewelers and designers from all over the world to make this book possible. Tabakhova has exhibited at the Grand Palais in Paris a clasp that she designed and developed, inspired by the jewelry worn by Egyptian Princess Sat-Hathor-Yunet nearly 4,000 years ago.
There will be a book signing after the lecture, bring your own copy that can be ordered in advance at
Whether you are amateur, a jeweler, gemologist, student, a jewelry expert or historian you are invited to attend and learn from Anna Tabakhova, who will share her jewellery arts research that includes four millennia of history.