Title: Vice President of Research & Development, New York, USA
Areas of Expertise: Diamond geology and geochemistry; HPHT experimentation; identification of diamond treatments and synthesis; gemology and mineralogy of colored stones
Selected Published Research:
- The new mineral crowningshieldite: A high-temperature NiS polymorph found in a type IIa diamond from the Letseng mine, Lesotho | American Mineralogist, GeoScienceWorld (2021)
- Large gem diamonds from metallic liquid in Earth's deep mantle, Science (2016)
- CVD Synthetic Diamonds from Gemesis Corp, Gems & Gemology (2012)
- Experimental CVD Synthetic Diamonds from LIMHP-CNRS, France, Gems & Gemology (2005)
- Treated-Color Pink-to-Red Diamonds from Lucent Diamonds Inc., Gems & Gemology (2005)
- Metasomatic clinopyroxene inclusions in diamonds from the Liaoning province, China, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2001)
- Subsolidus and melting experiments of a K-rich basaltic composition to 27 GPa: Implication for the behavior of potassium in the mantle, American Mineralogist (1999)
- Bachelor of Science in Geology, Peking University, Beijing, China, 1985
- Master of Science in Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing, China, 1988
- Ph.D. in Geology, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 1997
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