Book Review: Gempedia: A Comprehensive Glossary for Gemstones and Gemmology

This comprehensive new glossary, prepared by the renowned Portuguese gemologist, educator, and gem expert Rui Galopim de Carvalho, consists of more than 7,300 terms about gemstones, gemology, jewelry, and related fields. A short description written in understandable language is given for each term. The 719-page volume represents efforts undertaken over more than three decades to compile one of the most complete lists of gem-related terms encountered today in the jewelry trade and published literature. For gemstone definitions, a standard set of information is provided whenever possible. Major gem localities are briefly mentioned. As gemology is evolving into a more technical science, brief descriptions of various gem-testing techniques and equipment are included. The volume is well laid out with a two-column format, useful margins, and easy-to-read print.
This text-only publication will be of great value for anyone who wants a quick reference to terms used in discussing gems or would like a companion for reading other gemological literature that sometimes contains unfamiliar words. Gempedia is published by the Asian Institute Gemological Sciences (AIGS) in Bangkok and endorsed by the Gemmological Association of Great Britain (Gem-A) in London.