GIA Brings Services and Remarkable Exhibits to the 2019 Tucson Gem Shows

Laboratory services, seminars, alumni party, jumbo gems and more
CARLSBAD, Calif. – Jan. 10, 2019 – GIA will enrich the visitor experience at the 2019 Tucson Shows with a Show Service Laboratory, educational opportunities, free gemological presentations, exquisite museum exhibits and a not-to-miss alumni party that is open to all. The Institute will be at the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) GemFair™, Feb. 5-10 on the Galleria Level and the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show (TGMS), Feb. 14-17 at booth 128G, both at the Tucson Convention Center. For more details about the Institute’s offerings at the AGTA GemFair, visit
GIA highlights at the 2019 Tucson shows include:
GIA Show Service Laboratory at AGTA GemFair
GIA will offer convenient access for colored stone identification and origin laboratory services at the AGTA GemFair. Drop off your stones for expert analysis and report services in the Onyx Suite with GIA’s on-site team of gemologists. Come prepared and save time, especially if you are new to this service. Click here to learn more about submitting stones to the GIA Show Service Laboratory.
The GIA Show Service Laboratory will be available:
Feb. 4-9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (opens one day before AGTA GemFair begins)
Feb. 10, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
GIA Education Seminars
GIA will offer three educational seminars – each a 2-hour lecture and lab. Seminars have limited capacity; tuition fees are $225 for each seminar. To register call GIA admissions at +1 800 421 7250 ext. 4001 or +1 760 603 4001.
Identifying Laboratory-Grown Diamond
Friday, Feb. 8, 1-3 p.m., Coconino Room, Tucson Convention Center
Now more than ever, full disclosure and confidence in knowing what you are buying is critical. Through interactive guided discussion and a hands-on lab, this seminar will cover HPHT and CVD laboratory-grown diamonds and how to separate them from natural diamonds.
Emerald: Country of Origin Determination
Saturday, Feb. 9, 9-11 a.m., Coconino Room, Tucson Convention Center
Participants will learn the visual, inclusion and chemistry factors that lead to country of origin opinions. Participants will use microscopes during the lab session to identify inclusions in samples used by the GIA laboratory. After completing this advanced seminar, students will have an understanding of the characteristics that indicate the country of origin for emerald, and the complexities involved.
Low Temperature Heat Treatment of Mozambique Rubies and Basaltic Blue Sapphires
Saturday, Feb. 9, 1-3 p.m., Coconino Room, Tucson Convention Center
This lecture and lab session will focus on GIA’s research to try to develop more reliable ways to separate these low-temperature treated stones from those that have not been treated.
Free GIA Presentations
Research Update
Friday, Feb. 8, 9-10 a.m., Mohave Room
Dr. James Shigley, GIA distinguished research fellow, will share the latest news from GIA Research. This presentation will cover important industry insights including research on diamonds, colored stones and other timely topics.
The Causes of Color in Natural Colored Diamonds
Wednesday, Feb. 6, 9- 10 a.m., Maricopa Room
This presentation will cover GIA’s ongoing research on diamond color and provide an overview of color-causing factors in natural diamonds. The presentation will also include an in-depth look at green, blue and pink diamonds in GIA’s extensive research database, summarizing research results and the causes of color in these valuable and rare stones.

GIA Museum and Library Exhibits
Jumbo Gems
Feb. 14-17
The GIA Museum will present a spectacular display of Jumbo Gems – the largest, a 21,290 ct rock crystal quartz from Brazil. These gems demonstrate the importance of facets and how they play a role in bringing beauty to a gemstone, as well as the size in which some gem materials can occur.
Selecting Gem Rough: A Guide for Artisanal Miners
Feb. 14-17
This exhibit from GIA’s library highlights the booklet Selecting Gem Rough: A Guide for Artisanal Miners. GIA wrote, designed and produced this educational guide containing basic gemological concepts that help artisanal miners in Africa better understand value factors in the rough they mine. Results have shown that miners have tripled the value of their production. The exhibit case includes rough and cut examples of many East African gems including amethyst, aquamarine, diamond, emerald, garnet, opal, sapphire, tanzanite, tourmaline and zircon. There will be a smaller version of this display at the AGTA GemFair Feb. 5-10.
Party at the GIA Gem Mine: India Odyssey
Experience a virtual India Odyssey as we celebrate the geography and culture that influenced much of the gem and jewelry industry. The annual Party at the GIA Gem Mine brings together industry friends on Feb. 8 from 6:30-11 p.m. at the Marriott University Park Hotel. Tickets are $55 prior to Jan. 15; $65 after and at the door. Click here to purchase tickets.