Press Release

GIA Creates High School Scholarship Program

The Institute offers up to $2 million in merit-based, needs-based and Veteran’s scholarships in 2024

CARLSBAD, Calif. – February 29, 2024 – GIA’s (Gemological Institute of America) Spring scholarship application cycle is open March 1-31, 2024. GIA is allocating up to $2 million in scholarships to support student tuition in 2024. Among the new initiatives introduced in this scholarship cycle is the GIA Aspire Scholarship.
“Receiving a scholarship let me take more risks after graduating. Since I didn't have a mountain of student debt, I was free to explore all sorts of interesting opportunities” said Chris James T. Boehner, GIA Graduate Gemologist (GG) and 2020 scholarship recipient. “It also helped me fast-track my education, because I no longer needed to save for tuition. I started my GG program two months after receiving my scholarship!”
The GIA Aspire Scholarship program is specifically designed for graduating high school seniors or recent alumni from four San Diego County high schools: Steele Canyon High School, Rancho Buena Vista High School, Alta Vista High School, and Health Sciences High and Middle College.
“We believe that investing in the education of aspiring professionals is key to the continued growth and success of the gem and jewelry industry,” Robyn Burrell, GIA director of financial aid. “By providing opportunities for students to pursue their passion, we aim to create a diverse and skilled workforce that will shape the future of our industry.”
Up to $100,000 in scholarships will be allocated for the GIA Aspire Scholarship. Recipients may receive partial or full scholarships for any On-Campus program starting between July and December 2024 at the GIA Carlsbad campus, ranging from 7 to 26 instructional weeks.
GIA's scholarship offerings extend beyond the GIA Aspire Scholarship, including needs-based scholarships and Veteran’s scholarships. Need-based scholarships are accessible year-round for prospective U.S. students and require a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
For more information about GIA's scholarship opportunities and application process, visit The fall application cycle is from September 1-30, 2024.

About GIA

An independent nonprofit organization, GIA (Gemological Institute of America), established in 1931, is recognized as the world’s foremost authority in gemology. GIA invented the famous 4Cs of Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight and, in 1953, created the International Diamond Grading System™ which is recognized around the world as the standard for diamond quality.

Through research, education, gemological laboratory services and instrument development, the Institute is dedicated to ensuring the public trust in gems and jewelry by upholding the highest standards of integrity, academics, science and professionalism.