Press Release

GIA to Host the Fourth GemFest in Tokyo

Institute presents free seminars, July 11

TOKYO – July 3, 2014 – Audiences in Japan, the third largest consumer market in the world for gems and jewelry, will have the opportunity to hear from GIA (Gemological Institute of America) experts during a free GemFest seminar on July 11 in Tokyo. Dino De Ghionno, GIA laboratory manager, will discuss gem identification challenges and offer a laboratory update. Dr. Ahmadjan Abduriyim, GIA senior research scientist, will present on identification services at GIA’s Tokyo gem identification and grading laboratory.

De Ghionno, GIA’s senior manager of West Coast identification services, will provide an update on the Institute’s laboratory services and discuss challenges in gem identification. He will highlight stones of gemological interest submitted to the laboratory, new gem materials and treatments, as well as gemological updates. Topics will range from black opaque stones and change-of-color amber to diffusion-treated corundum.

Abduriyim, GIA’s senior research scientist and senior manager of colored stone services in Tokyo, will discuss recently introduced colored stone services – including identification reports and origin determinations – offered at the Tokyo lab. Several new services were introduced in GIA’s laboratories in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Carlsbad and New York on June 30. These services include red spinel origin services, ruby and sapphire inscription services for faceted stones weighing 0.50 carats or more, the Portrait Report and the Notable Letter.

De Ghionno has more than 35 years of experience specializing in the research and identification of a wide range of gem materials, colored diamonds and related treatments. He began his career with GIA in 1978 as a colored stone and gem identification instructor, becoming manager of the program, and after 14 years transitioned to the identification department of the laboratory. De Ghionno has co-authored several articles in scientific and gemological journals, including GIA’s award-winning quarterly research journal Gems & Gemology, and has lectured in the U.S., Europe and Asia.  

Abduriyim received his doctorate in mineralogy from the Division of Earth and Planetary Science at Kyoto University in Japan. He has authored numerous gemological articles, including work on geographic origin determination of major gemstones and the applications of LA-ICP-MS in the gemological field, which have been published in major gemological periodicals including Gems & Gemology.

GIA’s Tokyo GemFest will be held on July 11 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at Aurum, Higashi Ueno 1-26-2, Taito-ku, Tokyo. Seats are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis; doors will open at 4:30 p.m. For questions about the GemFest, contact GIA’s laboratory in Tokyo at contact us, or 03-5812-0316. 

About GIA

An independent nonprofit organization, GIA (Gemological Institute of America), established in 1931, is recognized as the world’s foremost authority in gemology. GIA invented the famous 4Cs of Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight in the early 1950s and in 1953, created the International Diamond Grading System™ which, today, is recognized by virtually every professional jeweler in the world.
Through research, education, gemological laboratory services, and instrument development, the Institute is dedicated to ensuring the public trust in gems and jewelry by upholding the highest standards of integrity, academics, science, and professionalism.