Press Release

GIA’s Door Swings Open for Jewellery Week in London

Exterior of GIA’s campus in London.

Gem talks, eLearning demos and tours, June 15

CARLSBAD, Calif. – May 17, 2012 – GIA’s (Gemological Institute of America) London campus will host an “Open Day” on June 15 as part of Jewellery Week, a city-wide celebration honoring London’s heritage of innovative jewelry design, manufacturing and retail.

GIA is an official supporter of Jewellery Week 2012, which will take place June 11-17 in venues throughout the city. Festivities highlighting London’s cutting-edge jewelry scene include special collection launches, exhibitions, receptions, seminars and fashion shows.

The sixth annual GIA Open Day events – all free of charge – will run from noon to 6 p.m. on June 15. Lectures on gemology, diamonds, colored gemstones and jewelry will complement demonstrations of GIA’s eLearning distance educations programs. Open classrooms featuring interactive gemology and design lessons will also be available throughout the day. Staff will be on-hand to answer questions about gemology, GIA and Institute offerings.

“Open Day is an important part of our responsibility as a global nonprofit organization and a U.K. Registered Charity,” said Edward Johnson, director of GIA in London. “We invite anyone from the trade or public to visit and learn more about GIA’s activities, especially the renowned educational offerings in the U.K. and worldwide.”

Johnson will also speak at The Jewellery Show London on June 12 at Somerset House from 1:30 to 2 p.m. His lecture, “The Essential Guide to Selling Diamonds,” will offer practical retail advice on selling jewelry ethically, effectively and knowledgably.

Open Day will be held from noon to 6 p.m. on June 15 at GIA’s London campus, 104 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LA. Anyone with an interest in gems and jewelry is welcome.

For more information, visit

About GIA

An independent nonprofit organization, GIA (Gemological Institute of America), established in 1931, is recognized as the world’s foremost authority in gemology. GIA invented the famous 4Cs of Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight in the early 1950s and in 1953, created the International Diamond Grading System™ which, today, is recognized by virtually every professional jeweler in the world. Through research, education, gemological laboratory services, and instrument development, the Institute is dedicated to ensuring the public trust in gems and jewelry by upholding the highest standards of integrity, academics, science, and professionalism.