Permanent Exhibit

Photo: ,
Star of the Congo Mine
Lubumbashie, Haute-Katanga Democratic Republic of the Congo
Approximately 31.75 kg and measures 70 cm in length, by 25 cm in width.
Photo: Robert Weldon/GIA
Exhibit Description
The lost world of Atlantis — has been found. This stunning specimen called “Atlantis” consists of dreamy stalactite spires made of green malachite coated with blue chrysocolla. To imagine how it grew, you have to turn it upside down because it is the ceiling of an underground cave. A copper-rich solution dripped down from the top, lengthening and thickening the spires. Knobs grew as outside forces, such as water and air currents, caused uneven growth. This specimen was found in the 'copper crescent' in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.