The Big Find: Celebrating 50 Years of Maine Tourmaline

October 2022 will mark 50 years since North America’s largest and most significant unearthing of gem-quality tourmaline. The astounding 1972 discovery, known as “The Big Find,” unveiled vast pockets of tourmaline of every color at an abandoned mine near the top of Plumbago Mountain in Newry, Maine. Yielding more than a ton of tourmaline rough from 1972 to 1974, The Big Find reawakened gem mining in the state of Maine. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of this historic discovery, the newly opened Maine Mineral & Gem Museum has big plans underway.
The Big Find: A Legend Continues began last year when the museum sought jewelry designers from across the country to create jewelry using 12 stones from the 1972 find, ranging in weight from 9.78 to 49.30 ct (figure 1). Twelve designers selected by jury are now at work crafting one-of-a-kind pieces to be presented on October 8, 2022, at a runway extravaganza in Newry. Event and ticket information can be found at

The museum is also commemorating the anniversary with special tourmaline exhibits and guest lectures all year, including various Maine tourmaline carvings on loan from the GIA Museum (figure 2). After the event, all 12 pieces of tourmaline jewelry will be on display at the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum and then at the 2023 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show before being auctioned off to raise money for the museum.