Gem News International Gems & Gemology, Summer 2002, Volume 38, No. 2

Summer 2002 Gem News International

Conference Reports
            AGU Meeting Examines Diamond Provenance
            GSA Meeting Reports on Western U.S. Gem Occurrences
            Report from the 3rd World Diamond Conference, Vancouver
            New Round Diamond Cuts
Colored Stones and Organic Materials
            Benitoite Recovery and Cutting: Significant Progress
            Cassiterite from Viloco, Bolivia
            Emerald with Feldspar Matrix from Brazil
            Sunstone Feldspar from Tanzania
            Update on Namibian Demantoid Garnet
            Unusual Kyanite from Brazil
            South Sea Cultured Pearls with Broken Beads
            Some Developments in Freshwater Cultured and “Keshi” Pearls
            New Sapphire Locality in Afghanistan
            Elbaite-Liddicoatite Tourmaline from Vietnam
            Green Zoisite Reappears
Synthetics and Simulants
            Massive Fuchsite Imitations of Emerald
            Unusual Synthetic Rubies
            Another Identification Criterion for Imitation Asterism Produced by Surface Scratching
            Irradiated Color-Change Fluorite
            Now Available: extraLapis English
            Natural Glasses Scheduled for France in August
            Diamond 2002 Will Take Place in Spain in September
            Hong Kong Jewellery and Watch Fair Scheduled for September
            Pearls Exhibit at the Field Museum
            Diamond Exhibition in Antwerp
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