Summer 2002 G&G Book Reviews
By Renée Newman, 160 pp., illus., publ. by International Jewelry Publications, Los Angeles, CA, 2002. US$17.95
“Tiaras: Past and Present”
By Geoffrey Munn, 128 pp., illus., publ. by V&A Publications, London, 2002. US$22.50
“Diamond Stories: Enduring Change on 47th Street”
By Renee Rose Shield, 234 pp., illus., publ. by Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 2002. US$29.95
By Elisabeth Strack, 696 pp., illus., publ. by Rühle-Diebener-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 2000 (in German). –C66.00
“Diamonds: In the Heart of the Earth, in the Heart of Stars, at the Heart of Power”
By Hubert Bari and Violaine Sautter, Eds., 351 pp., illus., publ. by Vilo International, Éditions Adam Biro, Paris, 2001. US$60.00
“The Jewels of Jean Schlumberger”
By Chantal Bizot, Marie-Noël De Gary, and Évelyne Possémé, translated by Alexandra Bonfante- Warren, 157 pp., illus., publ. by Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2001. US$39.95
“Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names”
By Peter Bayliss, 235 pp., publ. by The Mineralogical Record Inc., Tucson, AZ, 2000. US$32.00
“Modern Gemmology, SSEF Tutorials 1 & 2”
By SSEF Swiss Gemmological Institute,, Basel, Switzerland, 2001. Available in PC or Mac format. US $150 each/$250 for both
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