Gems & Gemology, Spring 2013, Vol. 49, No. 1
Une Découverte Exceptionnelle de Béryls Gemmes à Chaves, District de Vila Real, Portugal [An Exceptional Find of Gemmy Beryls at Chaves, District of Vila Real, Portugal]
M. Ambroise and A. Ambroise, Le Règne Minéral, No. 107, September/October 2012, pp. 19–22 [in French]
The numerous pegmatites in northern Portugal are known as sources of fine mineral specimens for collectors. A passionate rockhounding couple describes how, after hard work in constant bad weather, they hit upon a pocket with gemmy aquamarines and heliodors in 2011. The crystals measured 2.1–14.2 cm (0.8–5.7 inches). Their surfaces were slightly to moderately etched. Considering the relatively few gemstone occurrences in Western Europe, this find can be regarded as outstanding. The most beautiful crystals are shown in color photos.
Abstracted by Rolf Tatje