Spring 2012 Gem News International
Colored Stones and Organic Materials
Aquamarine from Mavuco, Mozambique
Azurite in Granitic Rock from Pakistan
Cat's-Eye Emerald from the Belmont Mine, Brazil
New Production of Purple Common Opal from Mexico
Rare Stones Used in Jewelry: Smithsonite, Cobaltite, Pyrrhotite, Nickeline, Nuummite
Rosalinda: A New Ornamental Scapolite Rock from Peru
Vlasovite from Quebec
Synthetics and Simulants
"Sterling Opal" Debuts
Bicolored Tourmaline Imitation
Conference Reports
U.S. Faceters Guild Seminars
Meteorite Watches
GNI Regular Features
Diamond Mining to Resume at Birim River, Ghana
Colored Stones and Organic Materials
Iris Agate from Montana
Black Cassiterite
Diopside from Kenya
Emerald Mining in Mingora, Pakistan
Dark Yellowish Green Enstatite from Kenya
New Gem Discoveries in Ethiopia
Burmese Spessartine
Synthetics and Simulants
Enameled Jewels in the Chinese Market
Geikielite from Sri Lanka with Fake Star Effect
A Dyed Blue Opal with Play-of-Color
Conference Reports
Mines to Market Conference
Gem-A Conference 2011
Gem News from Myanmar
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