Gem News International Gems & Gemology, Spring 2002, Volume 38, No. 1

Spring 2002 Gem News International

Special Report
            A New Corundum Treatment from Thailand
Tucson 2002
Conference Reports
            Highlights of the Tucson Diamond Symposium
            8th Symposium on the Gems and Minerals of Afghanistan
            Gemological Presentations at the 23rd Annual FM-TGMSMSA Symposium
Colored Stones and Organic Materials
            Amethyst from Afghanistan
            Fossilized “Stingray” Coral
            Canadian Emerald Discovery in the Yukon
            Red Andesine Feldspar from Congo
            Fluorite from Afghanistan
            Green Fluorite from the Rogerley Mine, England
            Demantoid Garnet from Iran
            Blue, Biaxial Positive Kyanite from Nepal
            Pargasite from China
            Cultured Pearls with Gem Inlays
            Ruby from Northern Kenya
            Black Spinel from Mexico
            More on Cuprian Elbaite Tourmaline from Nigeria
            Vesuvianite from Kenya
Synthetics and Simulants
            Star Opal Triplets
            Interesting Etch Features and Cavities in Beryl and Quartz
GNI Regular Features
Colored Stones and Organic Materials
            Recent Emerald Production from Hiddenite, North Carolina
            Star Emerald from Madagascar
            Tourmaline “Slider” in Quartz
            Illusion Mount™ Stone Holders
            GIA Museum Exhibits in Carlsbad
            The JCK Show—Las Vegas
            3rd World Diamond Conference
            Jewelry 2002: A Celebration of Jewelry
            11th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium and GEOCONGRESS 2002
            JA New York Summer Show
            FIPP 2002
            Colorado Gems
            AGTA Spectrum Awards Competition
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