Micro-World Gems & Gemology, Fall 2024, Vol. 60, No. 3

Fireworks Display in Russian Emerald

Interference thin films in Russian emerald resembling a sky filled with fireworks. Photomicrograph by Ungkhana Atikarnsakul; field of view 3.60 mm.
Interference thin films in Russian emerald resembling a sky filled with fireworks. Photomicrograph by Ungkhana Atikarnsakul; field of view 3.60 mm.

Russian emeralds can harbor unique inclusion scenes. Iridescent thin films that lie parallel to the basal pinacoid are considered conclusive evidence of this geographic origin. Microscopic observation of a 1.21 ct faceted emerald revealed multiple planes of interference thin films aligned parallel to the table (see above). Viewed under fiber-optic lighting, the scene was reminiscent of fireworks lighting up the night sky. Internal graining, fluid fingerprints, needles, and particles were also found in the stone, combining to form a visually interesting pattern.

Ungkhana Atikarnsakul is a senior staff gemologist at GIA in Bangkok.