G&G Publication Info
Editorial Staff
Editor-in-Chief Duncan Pay |
Editorial Assistants Brooke Goedert Nathan Renfro |
Managing Editor Justin Hunter |
Editors, Lab Notes Thomas M. Moses Shane F. McClure |
Editor Stuart D. Overlin |
Contributing Editors James E. Shigley Andy Lucas |
Technical Editor Tao Hsu |
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Alice S. Keller |
Technical Editor Jennifer Stone-Sundberg |
Customer Service Martha Erickson 1(760) 603-4502 |
Production Staff
Director, Education Content Development Jan Iverson |
Multimedia Specialists Joseph Kaus Juan Zanahuria |
Creative Director Faizah Bhatti |
Production Supervisor Richard Canedo |
Image Specialist Kevin Schumacher |
Video Producer Pedro Padua |
Senior Illustrator Peter Johnston |
Editorial Review Board
Ahmadjan Abduriyim Tokyo, Japan |
A. J. A. (Bram) Janse Perth, Australia |
Mark Newton Coventry, UK |
Shigeru Akamatsu Tokyo, Japan |
E. Alan Jobbins Caterham, UK |
George R. Rossman Pasadena, California |
Edward W. Boehm Chattanooga, Tennessee |
Mary L. Johnson San Diego, California |
Kenneth Scarratt Bangkok, Thailand |
James E. Butler Washington, DC |
Anthony R. Kampf Los Angeles, California |
James E. Shigley Carlsbad, California |
Alan T. Collins London, UK |
Robert E. Kane Helena, Montana |
Christopher P. Smith New York, New York |
John L. Emmett Brush Prairie, Washington |
Lore Kiefert Lucerne, Switzerland |
Wuyi Wang New York, New York |
Emmanuel Fritsch Nantes, France |
Thomas M. Moses New York, New York |
Christopher M. Welbourn Reading, UK |
Jaroslav Hyrsl Prague, Czech Republic |
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Gems & Gemology is abstracted in Thomson Reuters products (Current Contents: Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences and Science Citation Index-Expanded, including the Web of Knowledge) and other databases:
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Mineralogical Abstracts | Wilson Omni File: Full Text Mega Edition |
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete | PASCAL (INIST) | Wilson Omni File: Full Text Select |
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Gems & Gemology is published quarterly by the Gemological Institute of America, a nonprofit educational organization for the gem and jewelry industry.
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