the quarterly journal of the gemological institute of america
In This Issue
Internal Structures of Known Pinctada maxima Pearls: Cultured Pearls from Operated Marine Mollusks
First Identification of Sudoite in Caribbean Ceramic-Age Lapidary Craftsmanship
Purple Gem Spinel from Vietnam and Afghanistan: Comparison of Trace Element Chemistry, Cause of Color, and Inclusions
Persian Turquoise: The Ancient Treasure of Neyshabur
the quarterly journal of the gemological institute of america

Pinctada maxima Pearls from Operated Mollusks, Sudoite in Ceramic-Age Caribbean Jewelry, Persian Turquoise Field Report, and More
Duncan Pay, Editor-in-Chief
An overview of the Fall 2021 Gems & Gemology content.
Articles (4)

Internal Structures of Known Pinctada maxima Pearls: Cultured Pearls from Operated Marine Mollusks
A selection of 74 non-bead cultured and 12 bead cultured pearls grown in cultured pearl sacs and harvested directly from operated mollusks were collected and their internal structures examined using real-time microradiography and X-ray computed microtomography analyses.
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First Identification of Sudoite in Caribbean Ceramic-Age Lapidary Craftsmanship
Extensive analysis of early beads and pendants from archaeological sites in the French islands of the Lesser Antilles identified the objects as sudoite, which has never before been documented in any lapidary production.
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Purple Gem Spinel from Vietnam and Afghanistan: Comparison of Trace Element Chemistry, Cause of Color, and Inclusions
A chemical and spectroscopic comparison of two purple gem spinel samples, one of them the first reported example of a spinel with a saturated purple color caused predominantly by chromium and cobalt.
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Persian Turquoise: The Ancient Treasure of Neyshabur
Reports on the geology, background, and current state of mining and production at Iran’s largest turquoise mine.
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Gem News International
Global coverage of gem sources, notable new gem materials, and recent industry developments.
View All (9)Most Valuable Article Awards
A Quantitative Description of the Causes of Color in Corundum
Emily V. Dubinsky, Jennifer Stone-Sundberg, and John L. Emmett
History of the Chivor Emerald Mine, Part I (1880–1925): From Rediscovery to Early Production
Karl Schmetzer, Gérard Martayan, and Jose Guillermo Ortiz
Naturally Colored Yellow and Orange Gem Diamonds: The Nitrogen Factor
Christopher M. Breeding, Sally Eaton-Magaña, and James E. Shigley

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