Taiwan Jewellery & Gem Fair
November 3-5, 2017 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
November 6, 2017 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Taipei World Trade CenterNo. 5, Sec. 5, Xinyl Road, Xinyi DistrictTaipei, TaiwanBooth F01

Visit GIA's booth to find out more information about GIA education in Taipei, and other locations worldwide. Talk with GIA laboratory experts about submitting diamonds, colored stones and pearls for grading and analysis at GIA's laboratory. Sign up for the Retailer Lookup, a searchable, online listing of retailers carrying GIA-graded diamonds.
GIA presents the GIA iD100™, an easy-to-operate, sophisticated desktop diamond testing device to reliably identify mounted and unmounted natural diamonds, separating them from simulants and synthetics.
View a demo of the GIA iD100™ at the booth. It may be reserved at the list price of $4,995 USD at the booth or online at store.GIA.edu.
The Taiwan Jewellery & Gem Fair is for the gem and jewelry trade, however the public is invited on Saturday and Sunday.