Continuing Education
GIA’s Continuing Education offerings deliver skills and knowledge on topics, research and trends that are relevant to today’s industry. Designed for gem and jewelry professionals who wish to further their knowledge or aficionados looking to explore their passion, professional development offerings are a fast way to become familiar with a target topic or issue and stay current with industry research and trends.*

Available to GIA alumni who hold a GIA Graduate Gemologist® or Gemologist Diploma, our continuing education program offers ongoing learning about the gem and jewelry industry. Stay current with access to the latest research, trends and educational content.
Taught by experienced industry professionals, GIA workshops are hands-on classes designed to build your skills in a topic area. Some topics include:
GIA seminars are in-depth lectures covering key and current topics in the gem and jewelry industry that can be applied on the job immediately. Some topics include:
*GIA’s Continuing Education offerings are considered avocational or recreational in nature and are not intended to prepare individuals for entry-level employment. They are non-credit bearing and do not lead to a GIA academic credential. They are not eligible for state or federal student financial aid programs and do not fall under the approval of the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) or the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).