Safety at the London Campus

The Gemological Institute of America in London is committed to providing students and staff with a safe environment in which to work and pursue an education.

We are pleased to report that the GIA facilities in London have NO reported incidents of any types of criminal offenses: murder/non-negligent manslaughter; forcible sex offense; non-forcible sex offense; robbery; aggravated assault; burglary; theft; arson; negligent manslaughter or simple assault. There have been no arrests for liquor law violations, drug law violations or illegal weapons possessions. This report covers the time period of July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2022.

If you observe or are confronted with a situation that you believe is a threat to your personal safety or that of others, or if you observe any activities that is criminal in nature, you must report it immediately to any GIA instructor, supervisor, manager, or campus personnel. GIA will take whatever actions are deemed necessary to resolve the situation.

Additional information on GIA’s campus policies can be found in the London Campus Education Catalog.