Fall 2011 G&G Book Reviews
By Ruth Peltason, 224 pp., illus., publ. by The Vendome Press [www.vendomepress.com], New York, 2010. US$50.00
“The Extraordinary World of Diamonds”
By Nick Norman, 302 pp., illus., publ. by Janaca Media [janaca.co.za], Auckland Park, South Africa, 2010. R199.96
“The Workbench Guide to Jewelry Techniques”
By Anastasia Young, 320 pp., illus., publ. by Interweave Books [www.interweave.com], Loveland, CO, 2010. $34.95
“World Hallmarks, Volume I: Europe, 19th to 21st Centuries, 2nd ed.”
By William Whetstone, Danusia Niklewicz, and Lindy Matula, illus., publ. by Hallmark Research Institute [www.hallmarkresearch.com], San Francisco, 2010. $228
“Mineral Treasures of the World”
By The Geological Museum of China and The Collector’s Edge Minerals Inc., 125 pp., illus., publ. by Geological Publishing House [www.gph.com.cn], Beijing, 2010. ¥286
“Collectors Guide to Granite Pegmatites”
By Vandall T. King, 96 pp., illus., publ. by Schiffer Publishing [www.schifferbooks.com], Atglen, PA, 2010, US$19.95
“Collectors Guide to Silicate Crystal Structures”
By Robert J. Lauf, 96 pp., illus., publ. by Schiffer Publishing [www.schifferbooks.com], Atglen, PA, 2010, US$19.95
“Gems and Gemology in Pakistan”
By Tahseenullah Khan and Allah Bakhsh Kausar, 231 pp., illus., publ. by Geological Survey of Pakistan (www.gsp.gov.pk), Quetta, 2010, Rs. 3000
“Diamond Math”
By Kenneth A. Glasser, 451 pp., illus., publ. by Kenneth A. Glasser Co. [www.diamondmath. com], Las Vegas, 2010, US$75.00
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