GIA Diamond Research
Why is diamond the ‘king of gems’?
From crowns to engagement rings, diamonds have been a central aspect of many of life’s celebrations and historical milestones. They have been associated with legends and folklore. Diamonds have set record per-carat prices and often reside at the pinnacle of the gem and jewelry world.
Diamond stands at the apex of the hardness scale with a value of 10. It also has the highest thermal conductivity and the highest molar density of any terrestrial material, as well as a high resistance to acids, corrosion, and radiation. This extraordinary combination of physical properties not only makes it ideal for daily wear in jewelry – often through many generations - but has also led to its exploitation for a wide range of industrial and technological applications. Diamond’s remarkable potential has spurred the rapid evolution of laboratory-grown gem-quality diamonds in the last 20 years.
Natural Diamond Mining
In addition to its value as a gemstone, diamond has enormous scientific value as a window into hidden processes occurring deep inside the earth. Given the sheer volume of diamonds passing through its laboratories, GIA is uniquely positioned to observe and learn from diamonds in way that no other research group can. Diamonds are the deepest derived material humans are able to observe at earth’s surface, with most forming at depths of 150–200 km. Analysis of inclusions in rare specimens has revealed that some large, top-quality gem diamonds belong to a special category called Superdeep Diamonds and come from even greater depths—as deep as 600 km or more. Diamonds have formed over a large proportion of geologic time, spanning back as far as 3.5 billion years, meaning these relatively small crystals contain an incredible record of the earth in both space and time.
- Recent Advances in Understanding the Geology of Diamonds | Gems & Gemology (
- Fall 2022 Gems & Gemology – Geographic Origin of Diamonds (
- Summer 2022 Gems & Gemology – A Look at Diamonds and Diamond Mining in Guyana (
- Black Diamonds from Marange (Zimbabwe): A Result of Natural Irradiation and Graphite Inclusions | Gems & Gemology (
- The Very Deep Origin of the World’s Biggest Diamonds | Gems & Gemology (
- Geology and Development of the Lomonosov Deposit, Northwestern Russia | Gems & Gemology (
- Mining Diamonds in the Canadian Arctic: The Diavik Mine | Gems & Gemology (
- Letšeng’s Unique Diamond Proposition | Gems & Gemology (
- Diamonds from the Deep: How Do Diamonds Form in the Deep Earth? | Gems & Gemology (
- Raman Identification of Inclusions in Diamond | Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | GeoScienceWorld
- A Look at Kimberlites: The Volcanoes that Carry Diamonds | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Rough Diamonds: Natural Crystal Shapes & Surface Features | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Where Do Yellow Type Ib Diamonds Form in Nature? | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Diamond Ages: Are Diamonds Forever? | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Diamond Exploration & Mining | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- The Unique Story of Natural Diamond | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
Causes of color and optical features
GIA has the unique opportunity to examine some of the rarest fancy-colored diamonds. Though the “classic” diamond may be colorless, natural diamond can occur in almost all colors. It is one of only a few gemstones that is valuable with both saturated color and complete absence of color. However, it most often occurs in yellowish and brownish hues. The color is associated with minute atomic-level lattice irregularities and impurities – scientifically termed “defects” or “optical centers.” The optical centers that contribute to a diamond’s color are important as an understanding of their formation is the scientific basis for the reliable distinction between natural and treated color. GIA published a first-of-its-kind series of articles which discussed in depth the causes of color and the statistics of diamonds across the rainbow.Articles
- Naturally Colored Yellow and Orange Gem Diamonds: The Nitrogen Factor | Gems & Gemology (
- Natural-Color Fancy White and Fancy Black Diamonds: Where Color and Clarity Converge | Gems & Gemology (
- Natural-Color Pink, Purple, Red, and Brown Diamonds: Band of Many Colors | Gems & Gemology (
- Natural-Color Blue, Gray, and Violet Diamonds: Allure of the Deep | Gems & Gemology (
- Natural-Color Green Diamonds: A Beautiful Conundrum | Gems & Gemology (
- Optical Defects in Diamond: A Quick Reference Chart | Gems & Gemology (
- Diamond Spectroscopy, Defect Centers, Color, and Treatments | Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | GeoScienceWorld
- The Science Behind Fancy Color Diamonds | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Diamond Color Treatment and Its Identification | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Color-Change Diamonds | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
Laboratory-grown diamonds
First created in the 1950s, laboratory-grown diamonds have dramatically altered the landscape of the diamond trade. Gem-quality laboratory-grown diamonds can be formed by either the high pressure, high temperature (HPHT) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods. Whether examining the laboratory-grown diamonds submitted for grading reports, growing CVD diamonds at our research facility in New Jersey, or altering these materials through treatments, GIA is staying at the forefront of characterization and identification of laboratory-grown diamond.
- Observations on HPHT-Grown Synthetic Diamonds: A Review | Gems & Gemology (
- Observations on CVD-Grown Synthetic Diamonds: A Review | Gems & Gemology (
- Features of Synthetic Diamonds | Gems & Gemology (
- Large Colorless HPHT-Grown Synthetic Gem Diamonds from New Diamond Technology, Russia | Gems & Gemology (
- Near-Colorless HPHT Synthetic Diamonds from AOTC Group | Gems & Gemology (
- Synthesis of Diamonds and Their Identification | Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry | GeoScienceWorld
- Melee Diamond Analysis | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Laboratory-Grown Diamonds from China | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
Grading report – related features
GIA is the creator of the 4C’s – the internationally recognized scale of diamond grading. Among the quality factors listed on the report, GIA is consistently researching various aspects of color and cut along with long-wave fluorescence observations.
- Observations of Oval-, Pear-, and Marquise-Shaped Diamonds: Implications for Fancy Cut Grading | Gems & Gemology (
- Natural-Color D-to-Z Diamonds: A Crystal-Clear Perspective | Gems & Gemology (
- Color Grading “D-to-Z” Diamonds at the GIA Laboratory | Gems & Gemology (
- A Foundation for Grading the Overall Cut Quality of Round Brilliant Cut Diamonds | Gems & Gemology (
- Measurement and Characterization of the Effects of Blue Fluorescence on Diamond Appearance | Gems & Gemology (
- A Contribution to Understanding the Effect of Blue Fluorescence on the Appearance of Diamonds | Gems & Gemology (
Advanced Instrumentation
By eye, certain diamonds may seem indistinguishable. GIA uses a wide range of advanced spectroscopic and imaging techniques to evaluate the presence, absence and relative concentrations and distributions of atomic-level lattice irregularities present in all diamonds. Referred to as optical centers, these features provide clues for diamond identification. Below is a snapshot of some of the key instruments used.Learn more here about our advanced research instumentation.
Photoluminescence (PL) Spectroscopy and Mapping
PL spectroscopy is a vital tool for advanced testing in gemological laboratories as it has the sensitivity to detect optical center concentrations down to parts-per-billion (ppb) levels. Lasers are used to excite characteristic luminescence (emission of light) from defects present in diamonds. The lasers include wavelengths from the UV through the near-IR. Typically the diamonds are cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature (-196oC). By moving the sample while data are collected, thousands of spectra can be compiled and stitched together, creating a map of defect distributions.
- An Introduction to Photoluminescence Spectroscopy for Diamond and Its Applications in Gemology | Gems & Gemology (
- Photoluminescence Mapping of Optical Defects in HPHT Synthetic Diamond | Gems & Gemology (
Visible and Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
When light passes through a stone, some will be absorbed by optical centers present in diamonds. Absorption in the visible wavelength range can result in color, whereas absorption in the infrared (IR) is invisible. Careful analysis of absorption spectra can reveal the source of color in a diamond and show the presence of common elemental impurities such as nitrogen and boron. IR absorption spectroscopy is the basis for the Diamond Type classification system.
- Visible Absorption Spectra of Colored Diamonds | Gems & Gemology (
- The “Type” Classification System of Diamonds and Its Importance in Gemology | Gems & Gemology (
Deep UV Fluorescence Imaging
This instrument uses ultra-shortwave (<230 nm) UV radiation--a lower wavelength and higher energy than the ultraviolet light typically used for fluorescence observations in routine gemological work. Diamonds are strong absorbers of deep UV light, resulting in fluorescence emission of defects present near the sample surface, providing detailed information of their distributions and revealing diamond growth patterns. Additionally, almost all diamonds will show some observable fluorescence to deep UV light, including those that show as “UV fluorescence: None” as the UV fluorescence description on grading reports (based on long-wave UV excitation at 365 nm).
Screening and gemological instruments
GIA has a long history of developing innovative instruments and gemological tools to aid in diamond characterization, for both internal and external users. Learn more about instruments available for the trade in
Photomicroscopy (also known as photomicrography) allows gemologists and scientist to capture high magnification (up to 1000x) digital images of sample features, such as characteristic surface textures or internal inclusions that may be trapped during natural or laboratory-grown diamond formation. Different lighting conditions, such as darkfield, brightfield and polarized light, can be used to enhance features. These photographic records can provide a wealth of information relating to a sample’s origin.
- Chart: Inclusions in Natural, Synthetic, and Treated Diamond | Gems & Gemology (
- Digital Photomicrography for Gemologists | Gems & Gemology (
Gemologists often consider diamond fluorescence when exposed to long- (365 nm) or short- (265 nm) wavelengths. Long-wave fluorescence observation (the color and intensity) is also provided on GIA’s grading report. Fluorescence behavior can also be helpful for distinguishing natural from laboratory-grown diamonds. HPHT- and CVD-grown diamonds generally show a stronger fluorescence reaction to short-wave UV than to long-wave UV; in contrast, natural diamonds show a stronger fluorescence reaction to long-wave UV than to short-wave UV. Additionally, HPHT-grown diamonds often show persistent phosphorescence – the emission of light following UV illumination.
- Quantifying Diamond Fluorescence and Its Visual Impact | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
- Glowing Diamonds | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (
GIA iD100®
Based on decades of research on natural and laboratory-grown diamonds, GIA developed simple screening equipment that the trade and public can use to positively identify natural diamonds and refer any suspicious diamonds that may be laboratory-grown, treated or simulants for further testing. An accurate screening device, the GIA iD100® automatically collects and analyzes a diamond’s luminescence when illuminated with ultraviolet light. If a natural signature is detected, the sample is passed within a couple of seconds. Otherwise, it is referred, indicating that the sample could potentially be laboratory-grown or a simulant. This allows people, through the simple push of a button, to confirm whether diamonds are natural. Primarily used for the analysis of colorless and near-colorless diamonds, additional functions for pink, green, brown and blue diamonds have also been developed. Learn more about the GIA iD100® at
Interesting diamonds
- Formation of the Matryoshka Diamond from Siberia | Gems & Gemology (
- Faceted Octahedral Diamond with Octahedral-Shaped Inclusion (
- Diamond-Shaped Cloud in Diamond (
- A Glimmer of Hope: The World's Most Famous Blue Diamond | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series (