London Campus Coronavirus Updates

We are pleased to share that the GIA campus in London is open. The safety of students, instructors and staff is very important to GIA and we are following the government recommendations and procedures required to safely operate our classrooms.

Learn more about local COVID-19 conditions. 

Programs and Courses

  • Schedules: Please confirm your desired course dates with the campus prior to submitting your application.
  • Applications

What You Can Do to Keep Yourself and Others Safe

  • If you feel sick or have any COVID-19 symptoms in the morning, please do not come to school and notify the school administration immediately. Symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Follow the guidelines provided by the school.

What to Expect at the School. 

  • Individuals with elevated temperatures will not be allowed to enter school premises.
  • Attend a mandatory safety orientation before starting class.
  • Staff and students will wear masks at all times.

What the School is Doing

  • Plexiglass screens have been installed in classrooms and other areas.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at the school entrance, in classrooms and other common areas.
  • Classrooms and common areas will be cleaned and disinfected daily. Particular attention will be paid to frequently touched or handled items in common areas and classrooms.
  • Instructors and staff have been trained on proper safety procedures.

Contact Information

For more detailed information about campus safety procedures or other questions, please contact the campus at or call +44 (0) 20 7813 4321.