Mike Breeding
Title: Senior Research Scientist / Manager, Diamond Analytical, Carlsbad, CA
Area of Research/Expertise: Diamond Defects, Treatments and Color Origin; Geochemistry of Minerals
Selected Published Research
- The “Type” Classification System of Diamonds and its Importance in Gemology. Gems & Gemology (2009)
- Occurrence of the Si–V defect center in natural colorless gem diamonds. Diamond and Related Materials (2008)
- Slab-derived fluids and quartz-vein formation in an accretionary prism, Otago Schist, New Zealand. Geology (2002)
- Fluid–metasedimentary rock interactions in subduction-zone mélange: implications for the chemical composition of arc magmas. Geology (2004)
- Visible Absorption Spectra of Colored Diamonds. Gems & Gemology (2015)
- Bachelor of science in geology, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1998
- Ph.D in geology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 2004
- Graduate Gemologist, GIA, Carlsbad, California, 2005
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