Gem News International Gems & Gemology, Volume 46, No. 4

Winter 2010 Gem News International

Colored Stones and Organic Materials
            Amber with Mineral Inclusions
            Additional Field Research on Tibetan Andesine
            Aquamarine and Heliodor from Indochina
            Dark Blue Aquamarine from Tsaramanga, Madagascar
            Diopside from Pakistan
            Record-Breaking Emerald Discovered in Hiddenite, North Carolina
            Emerald-in-Matrix from Bahia, Brazil
            5th Century Garnet Jewelry from Romania
            Natural Pearl Diving Off the Coast of Bahrain
            Update on Ruby and Sapphire Mining in Pakistan and Afghanistan
            Rediscovery of Sapphires in Central France
            Update on Sapphire Mining in Southern Madagascar
            A Strongly Thermoluminescent Spodumene
            “Neon” Blue-To-Green Cu- and Mn-Bearing Liddicoatite Tourmaline
Instruments and Techniques
            Use Your LCD Screen as a Gemological Tool
            Smartphone Photomicrography
Synthetics and Simulants
            Filled Copal Imitation of Amber
            Glass with Crystalline Aggregates
            Synthetic Ruby Specimen Sold as Natural
            Louis XV’s Golden Fleece—Recreated
Conference Reports
            20th Annual Goldschmidt Conference
            Carpathian and Balkan Geological Association (CBGA) meeting
            European Diamond Conference
            5th International Workshop on Provenance and Properties of Gems and Geo-Materials
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