Online Gem Exploration for Kids
June 17, 2014

The “Gem Explorer” section highlights 24 popular gems – such as diamond, ruby and pearl – with fun facts about color, history and lore; name origin; image galleries and micrographs of the gem under different microscope magnification levels; and a localities map. The “Find My Gem” feature lets students explore different gems based on their birthday, favorite color or by country of origin. The “Story of a Gem” section describes the world of gems, including mineralogy, mining, cutting, phenomena, gem art and more. Additional gems will be added on an ongoing basis.
GemKids’ “Jewelry Explorer” describes seven categories of jewelry including rings, necklaces, crown jewels, memorial jewelry and timepieces. A “Jewelry Time Machine” traces the evolution of jewelry from prehistory to the modern era.
More than 160 gemological, geological and jewelry terms are defined in the “Glossary,” which also offers an audio pronunciation and descriptive image for each entry. Parents and educators can use the “Classroom Guides” to prepare interactive programs on gemology, geology and birthstones, or to prepare Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for earning a merit badge. A “Careers” section describes 16 exciting jobs in the gem and jewelry field.
“Bringing engaging gem information that is fun for kids is a great way to extend our 83-year history as the world’s leader in gem and jewelry education,” said Bev Hori, GIA’s chief learning officer and vice president of education. “Students can learn about the fascinating world of gems directly on their computers and tablets, and teachers can use this information to supplement their science curriculums.”
The lessons are adapted from GIA’s Junior Gemologist Program™, which offers 10-15 year-old students the opportunity to discover the world of gemology through hands-on, practical training. Taught by expert gemologists and regularly offered at the Institute’s Carlsbad, Calif. campus and in other global locations, the program makes the complexities of gemology easily understood by all. It also meets federal curriculum guidelines, and enriches school district and youth science programs. GIA has partnered with Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the USA to create a specialized Jr. Gemologist Program where scouts can earn geology and jewelry merit badges, belt loops and pins.
Explore GemKids: Visit for more details.