Ruby Bibliography
Ruby's place in history to localities to modern treatments

Afghanistan ruby deposits plundered (2012) Bangkok Gems & Jewellery, v. 25, n. 12, pp. 32, 34.
Bowersox, Gary W. (2000) Ruby and sapphire from Jegdalek, Afghanistan. Gems & Gemology, v. 36, n. 2, pp. 110-126.
Brauner, Marc (2011) Ruby: the royal gemstone. Indian Jeweller, v. 2, n. 2, pp. 58-59.
Bruder, Bernhard (1995) Charakterisierung von Rubinen und Saphiren mithilfe von Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen.
Cartier, Laurent E. (2009) Ruby and sapphire from Marosely, Madagascar. Journal of Gemmology, v. 31, n. 5-8, pp. 171-180.
Cartier, Laurent E. (2011) Rubis et saphirs de Marosely, Madagascar. Revue de Gemmologie a.f.g., n. 175, pp. 9-13.
Christie's Magnificent Jewels bring in $72.3 million (2012) Diamond Intelligence Briefs, v. 27, n. 710, p. 7307.
Corindon et spinelles: histoire - cristallographie - minéralogie - gemmologie - gisements - utilisations – synthèse. (2002) Cedim, Paris.
De Vincenti, Catherine (2012) Rubis et saphirs sont de plus en plus traites (1ere partie). Gold'Or, n. 6, pp. 62-63.
Delaunay, Aurelien; Fritsch, Emmanuel (2011) Corindons synthetiques sculptes pour imiter des corindons naturels. Revue de Gemmologie a.f.g., n. 178, pp. 13-16.
Dubois-Fournier, Josiane (1989) Contribution à l'identification du rubis par la mise en évidence de divers éléments à l'état de trace.
Fancy favorites: a love affair with rubies and sapphires (2012) IDEX, v. 27, n. 262, pp. 94-99.
Federman, David (1998) Gem profile: Mogok ruby: the power of place. Modern Jeweler, v. 97, n. 11, pp. 33-34.
Federman, David (2003) Gem profile: Malawi ruby. Modern Jeweler, v.102, n. 6, pp. 49-50.
Federman, David (2004) Gem profile: Namya ruby. Modern Jeweler, v. 103, n. 1, pp. 45-46.
Galopim de Carvalho, Rui (2009) Rubis de Winza um novo tesouro na Tanzania. Portugal Gemas, n. 6, pp. 1-.
Gayevsky, Yu.; Grushinskaya, E.; Belichenko, E. (2012) Spectroscopic identification of rubies. Russian Diamonds & Jewellery, pp. 12-14.
Genesis of gem deposits (2008) Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Getting to know more about corundum enhancement (2011) Russian Diamonds & Jewellery, n. 1, p. 10.
Giuliani, Gaston; Lasnier, Bernard; Ohnenstetter, Daniel; Fallick, Anthony E.; Pegere, Guy (2010) Gisements de corindon de France. Regne Mineral, n. 93, pp. 5-23.
Giuliani, Gaston; Ohnenstetter, Daniel; Fallick, Anthony E.; Feneyrol, Julien (2012) Isotopes de l'oygene un traceur des origines geologique et/ou geographique des gemmes. Revue de Gemmologie a.f.g., n. 170, pp. 11-16.
Grelick, Gary R. (1994) Diamond, ruby, emerald, and sapphire facets.
Gübelin, Edward J. (1982) Gemstones of Pakistan: emerald, ruby, and spinel. Gems & Gemology, v. 18, n. 3, pp. 123-139.
Gübelin, Eduard J. and John I. Koivula (2004) Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, [Volume 1]. 4th ed., Opinio Publishers, Basel.
Gübelin, Eduard J. and John I. Koivula (2005) Photoatlas of Inclusions in Gemstones, Volume 3. Opinio Publishers, Basel.
Guguschev, Christo; Gotze, Jens; Gobbels, Matthias (2010) and spectroscopy of synthetic ruby crystals grown by the optical floating zone technique. American Mineralogist, v. 95, n. 4, pp. 449-455.
Hänni, Henry A. (1991) New rubies from the Morogoro area, Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, v. 27, n. 3, pp. 156-167.
Hänni, Henry A.; Krzemnicki, Michael S. (2010) New rubies from Montepuez, Mozambique. SSEF Facette, n. 17, pp. 5-6.
Heady, Sue (1999) Rubies: are a girl's best friend. Chartwell Books, Edison, NJ.
Hoskin, John (1987) The Siamese ruby. World Jewels Trade Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hughes, Richard W. (1997) Ruby & sapphire. RWH Publishing, Colorado.
Hughes, Richard W. (2001) Seeing red: a guide to ruby connoisseurship. The Guide; Gem Market News, pp. 4-7, 16.
Jianjun, Li; Wangjiao, Hao; Yuan, Sun; Han, Luo; Youfa, Cheng; Huafeng, Liu; Ying, Liu; Chengxing, Fan; Hong, Ye (2011) Comparative study of different types of filled rubies. Australian Gemmologist, v. 24, n. 5.
Kawano, Jun (2009) Durability of significant fissure filled ruby with lead-glass. Gemmology, Japan, pp. 23-25.
Keller, P. C. (1983) The rubies of Burma: a review of the Mogok Stone Tract. Gems & Gemology, v. 19, n. 4, p. 209-219.
Kessel, Joseph (1960) Mogok: the valley of rubies. MacGibbon & Kee, London.
Khoi, Nguyen Ngoc; Sutthirat, Chakkaphan; Tuan, Duong Anh; Van Nam, Nguyen; Thuyet, Nguyen Thi Minh; Nhung, Nguy Tuyet (2011) Ruby and sapphire from the Tan Huong-Truc Lau area, Yen Bai Province, Northern Vietnam. Gems & Gemology, v. 47, n. 3, pp. 182-195.
Kleismantas, Arunas (2011) Ruby in Monarch's crowns and ecclesiastical liturgical appliances. Russian Diamonds & Jewellery, n. 1, pp. 12-13.
Kremkow, Cheryl (2009) Fine red ruby on a beer budget. Rapaport Diamond Report, pp. 146-147.
Krzemnicki, M. S. (2011) Analysis of rubies with corroded surfaces. Journal of the Gemmological Association of Hong Kong, v. 32, pp. 36-40.
Krzemnicki, Michael S. (2012) Rubis corredes. Gold Or, n. 2, pp. 70-71.
Lead-glass-filled ruby set in antique jewelry (2010) InColor, p. 6.
Les pierres de coleur originales sont dans l'air du temps (2012) Gold'Or, n. 6, pp. 51-52.
Massi, Laurent (1999) Les corindons diffuses.
Matlins, Antoinette (2005) Colored gemstones: the Antoinette Matlins buying guide: how to select, buy, care for & enjoy sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and other colored gems with confidence and knowledge. GemStone Press, Woodstock, VT.
Matlins, Antoinette (2011) Ruby: red alert for trade. Southern Jewelry News, v. 24, n. 2, p. 18.
Matlins, Antoinette; Newman-Brossmer, Teri (2011) Lead-glass infused rubies. Retail Jeweler, v. 2, n. 6, pp. 20-21.
McClure, Shane F.; Kane, Robert E.; Sturman, Nick (2010) Gemstone enhancement and its detection in the 2000s. Gems & Gemology, v. 46, n. 3, pp. 218-240.
McClure, Shane F.; Koivula, John I. (2009) Gem news international: Preliminary observations on new rubies from Mozambique. Gems & Gemology, v. 45, n. 3, pp. 224-225.
Morgan, Lynn (2012) The Elizabeth Taylor estate: "Hollywood's Crown Jewels". Adornment, v. 9, n. 4, pp. 3-12.
Mossman, David J. (2007) Cape Breton ruby, a new Canadian gemstone discovery, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Journal of Gemmology, v. 30, n. 5/6, pp. 279-286.
Mozambique becomes top ruby source (2012) Journal of Gem & Jewellery Industry, v. 50, n. 2, pp. 52-54.
Muhlmeister, Sam M. (1998) Separating natural and synthetic rubies on the basics of trace-element chemistry. Gems & Gemology, v. 34, n. 2, pp. 80-101.
New rubies from Montepuez, Mozambique (2009) Jewellery News Asia, n. 301.
New ruby treatment not composite, AGL says (2010) Rapaport Diamond Report, p. 26.
Newman, Renee (2000) Ruby, sapphire & emerald buying guide: how to evaluate, identify, select & care for these gemstones. International Jewelry Publications, Los Angeles, CA.
Newman, Renée (2009) The ruby, sapphire & emerald buying guide: how to identify, evaluate and select these gems. International Jewelry Publications, Los Angeles, CA.
Ogden, Jack (2010) Ruby bluesday. Jeweller: The Voice of the Industry, pp. 46-47.
Pardieu, Vincent (2009) Rubies from Northern Mozambique. InColor, pp. 52-54.
Pardieu, Vincent; Lomthong, Pantaree; Senoble, Jean Baptiste; Bryl, Lou Pierre; Jacquat, Stephane (2009) Gem news international: Update on rubies from Mozambique. Gems & Gemology, v. 45, n. 4, pp. 302-303.
Pardieu, Vincent; Lomthong, Pantaree; Sturman, Nick (2010) Lead glass filled star rubies reportedly from Madagascar. GIA News from Research.
Pardieu, Vincent; Sturman, Nick; Saesaew, Sudarat; Du Toit, Garry; Thirangoon, Kamolwan (2010) FAPFH/GFF treated ruby from Mozambique - a preliminary report. GIA Website.
Peretti, Adolf (1995) Rubies from Mong Hsu. Gems & Gemology, v. 31, n. 1, pp. 2-26
Peretti, Adolf (2008) New important ruby discovery in Tanzania: the Tanzanian "Winza" ‑ (Dodoma province) rubies: a special GRS alert on‑line report. GRE GemResearch Swisslab, Lucerne, Switzerland.
Radiant ruby (2009) Canadian Jeweller, pp. 98-99.
Rakotosamizanany, Saholy; Giuliani, Gaston; Ohnenstetter, Daniel; Rakotondrazafy, Michel A. F.; Fallick, Anthony (2009) Gisements de saphirs et rubis associes aux basaltes alcalins de Madagascar : caracteristiques geologiques et mineralogiques, 2eme partie : caracteristiques mineralogiques. Revue de Gemmologie a.f.g., n. 170, pp. 9-18.
Renfro, Nathan; Pardieu, Vincent (2012) Lab notes: Lazurite inclusions in ruby. Gems & Gemology, v. 48, n. 1, pp. 51-52.
Robertson, Stuart M. (2012) Pain in the glass - treated ruby debunked. Gem Guide: Gem Market News, v. 31, n. 2, pp. 3, 15.
Rondeau, Benjamin; Fritsch, Emmanuel (2010) Morphologie du corindon. Regne Mineral, n. 93, pp. 24-27.
Roskin, Gary (1998) July's birthstone: the regal beauty. Jewelers' Circular- Keystone, v. 169, n. 7, pp. 44, 46, 48, 50.
Roskin, Gary (2004) 'Nyala' ruby from Malawi. Jewelers' Circular- Keystone, v. 175, n. 3, p. 26.
Roskin, Gary (2010) Is this a real ruby? NCJV Valuer, v. 28, n. 3&4, pp. 7-11.
Rubis et saphirs sont de plus en plus traites (2e partie) (2012) Gold'Or, n. 7, pp. 68-69.
Ruby and sapphire = [Rubin I Sapfir]. (1980) Amerind, New Delhi, India.
Ruby slip: are glass-filled rubies trick or treatment? (2011) JCK, v. 142, n. 2, p. 74.
Samuels, S. K. (2003) Burma ruby: a history of Mogok's rubies from antiquity to the present. SKS Enterprises, Tucson, Arizona.
Schmetzer, Karl (1999) Ruby and variously coloured sapphires from Ilakaka, Madagascar. Australian Gemmologist, v. 20, n. 7, pp. 282-284.
Schwarz, Dietmar (2002) Rubies from the Region of Vatomandry in East Madagascar. GZ: Goldschmiede Zeitung, pp. 130, 132, 134, 136.
Schwarz, Dietmar; Pardieu, Vincent; Saul, John; Schmetzer, Karl; Laurs, Brendan M.; Giuliani, Gaston; Klemm, Leo; Malsy, Anna-Kathrin; Erel, Eric; Hauzenberger, Christoph; Du Toit, Garry; Fallick, Anthony E.; Ohnenstetter, Daniel (2008) Rubies and sapphires from Winza, central Tanzania. Gems & Gemology, v. 44, n. 4, pp. 322-347.
Shigley, James E.; Laurs, Brendan M.; Janse, A. J. A. Bram; Elen, Sheryl; Dirlam, Dona M. (2010) Gem localities of the 2000s. Gems & Gemology, v. 46, n. 3, pp. 188-216.
Shor, Russell (2010) Transformation of the ruby and sapphire markets. Israel Diamonds, n. 231, pp. 54, 56-57.
Shor, Russell; Weldon, Robert (2009) Ruby and sapphire production and distribution: a quarter century of change. Gems & Gemology, v. 45, n. 4, pp. 236-259.
Smith, Christopher P. (1997) Rubies and fancy-color sapphires from Nepal. Gems & Gemology, v. 33, n. 1, pp. 24-41.
Smith, Christopher P. (2010) AGL discusses the latest "new" ruby heat treatment coming out of Thailand. InColor, pp. 44-46.
Sutherland, F. L.; Guiliani, G.; Fallick, A. E.; Garland, M.; Webb, G. (2009) Sapphire - ruby characteristics West Pailin, Cambodia - clues to their origin based on trace element and O isotope analysis. Australian Gemmologist, v. 23, n. 9, pp. 401-407.
The story of the sapphire and the ruby. (1938) Marcus and Co., New York.
Themelis, Ted (2010) The heat treatment of ruby and sapphire ... Ted Themelis, Bangkok, Thailand.
Themelis, Ted (1992) The heat treatment of ruby and sapphire ... Gemlab, Inc., Clearwater, Florida.
Themelis, Ted (2000) Mogok: valley of rubies and sapphires, A & T Publishing, Los Angeles.
Themelis, Ted (2003) Beryllium-treated rubies & sapphires, Ted Themelis, Bangkok, Thailand.
Themelis, Ted (2004) Flux-enhanced rubies & sapphires, Ted Themelis, Bangkok, Thailand.
Themelis, Ted (2008) Gems & mines of Mogok: fascinating glimpses into the gemology, geology and gem mining in Mogok, Myanmar (Burma). Ted Themelis, Thailand.
Treated rubies from Mozambique (2010) Jewellery News Asia, n. 311, p. 58.
Ward, Fred, (1998) Rubies & sapphires, Gem Book Publishers, Bethesda, MD.
Weldon, Robert (2001) Study in Red: Madagascar's rubies have a unique set of fingerprints. Professional Jeweler, v. 4, n. 10, pp. 42-43.
What's in a name: Corundum (2012) Jeweller, pp. 15-16.
Winza rubies identified. (2008) GRE GemResearch Swisslab, Lucerne, Switzerland.