Hallmarks Bibliography
Hallmarks, research and identification.

Arminjon, Catherine.; Beaupuis, James. (1994) Dictionnaire des poincons de fabricants d'ouvrages d'or et d'arget de Paris et de la Seine: 1838- 1875. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris.
Bauer, Ronnie (2002) History of hallmarks. NCJV Valuer, v. 20, n. 2, pp. 9-15.
Bly, John. (1986) Discovering hall marks on English silver. Shire, Princes Risborough.
Bradbury, Frederick (2004) Bradbury's book of hallmarks: a guide to marks of origin on British and Irish silver, gold and platinum and on foreign imported silver and gold plate, 1544 to 2010 (sic); Old Sheffield plate makers' marks, 1743‑1860. Sheffield Assay Office, Sheffield,England.
Brand name and trademark guide. (1994) Jewelers' Circular Keystone, Radnor, Pennsylvania.
Brave new world of Hallmarking (2008) Goldsmith's Review, pp. 12-15.
Carre, Louis.; Doux, Jean Picart le. (1990, 1971) Guide de l'amateur d'orfevrerie Francaise: nouvelle edition. Librairie F. de Nobele, Paris.
Chaffers, William; Markham, Christopher Alexander. (1989) Chaffers' concise hallmarks on gold & silver. Wordsworth Editions, Ware, England.
Chalabi, Maryannick; Jaze-Charvolin, Marie-Reine. (1993) Poincons des fabricants d'ouvrages d'or et d'argent: Lyon 1798- 1940. Imprimerie Nationale, Paris.
Cinamon, Diana Sanders. (2005) All about antique silver, with international hallmarks. AAA Publishing, San Bernadino, CA.
Divis, Jan. (1992, c1976) Guide to silver marks of the world. Promotional Reprint Co., London.
Divis, Jan. (1998) Guide to goldmarks of the world. Tiger, Twickenham, UK.
Divis, Jan.; Fromanger, Hippolyte-Diego. (1989) Poincons d'argent du monde entier. Les Editions de l'Amateur, Paris.
Donovan, K. (2011) Hallmarking survives after huge support from industry. Retail Jeweller, p. 12. Esteras Martin, Cristina. (1992) Marcas de plateria hispanoamericana: siglos XVI-XX. Ediciones Tuero, Madrid, Espana, L.
English silver hall‑marks: including the marks of origin on Scottish & Irish silver plate, gold, platinum & Sheffield plate with 300 of the more important makers marks from 1697‑1900. (2007) W. Foulsham, London.
Fernandez Nanclares, Alejandro.; Munoa, Rafael. (1992) Marcas de la plata espanola y virreinal. Antiquaria, Madrid.
Fossberg, Jorunn (1994) Norske solvstempler: gullsmedhandverk i byene pa Ostlandet for 1870. Universitetsforlaget, Norway.
Gold marks on bonded gold banned (2012) Jeweller: The Voice of the Industry, p. 9.
Haestrup, Ole. (1986) Handbog for solvsamlere. Lademan, Kobenhavn.
Hallmarks and date letters on silver, gold and platinum. (1977) N.A.G. Press, London.
Haslam, Malcolm. (1995) Marks & monograms: the decorative arts, 1880-1960. Collins & Brown, London.
Hougart, Bille. (2006) The little book of Mexican silver trade and hallmarks: hecho en Mexico. TBR International, Arlington, VA.
India makes gold hallmarking mandatory (2012) IDEX, Vol. 27, No. 262, p. 75.
Jackson, Charles James (1964) English goldsmiths and their marks: a history of the goldsmiths and plate workers of England, Scotland, & Ireland. Dover Publications, New York.
Jackson's silver & gold marks of England, Scotland & Ireland. (1989) Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Les Poincons de garantie internationaux pour l'or, le platine et le palladium. (1988, c1942) Tardy, Paris.
Mandatory hallmarking: concerns to the fore (2012) Art of Jewellery, v. 11, n. 2, pp. 126, 128, 130.
Paulson, Paul L. (1976) Guide to Russian silver hallmarks. Paulson, Washington.
Pocket edition Jackson's hallmarks: English, Scottish, Irish silver & gold marks from 1300 to the present day. (1991) Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge.
Poincons actuels des metaux precieux. (1989) Tardy, Paris.
Rainwater, Dorothy T. (1988) American jewelry manufacturers. Schiffer Pub., West Chester, PA.
Ridgway, Maurice H.; Priestley, Philip T. (2004) The compendium of Chester gold & silver marks, 1570 to 1962: from the Chester Assay Office registers. Antique Collectors' Club, Woodbridge.
Romero, Christie. (2002) Warman's jewelry: a fully illustrated price guide to 18th, 19th and 20th century fine and costume jewelry. Krause Publications, Iola, WI.
Rushforth, Roy (1999) International hallmarking - pipedream of possibility? Gold Technology,
v. 27, pp. 21-31.
Severs, B. (2012) Part 4: metals, makings and timepieces. Metal, Stone & Glass, v. 59, pp. 11-.13
Tardy. (1985) International hallmarks on silver. Tardy, Paris.
The Keystone jewelry trade mark book: 1934 edition. (1990) Golden Era Publications, Lima, OH.
Thorne, C. Jordan (1949) Handbook of American silver and pewter marks. Tudor, New York.
Trademark index: a comprehensive directory of Canadian jewellery trademarks, plus brand names of other precious-metal products. (1996) Canadian Jeweller, Ontario.
Trade-marks of the jewelry and kindred trades... (1988) Arlington Book Co., Arlington, VA. Wright, Barton. (2000) Hallmarks of the Southwest. Schiffer, Atglen, PA.
Whetstone, W.; Niklewicz, D; Matula, L. (2009), World hallmarks. Hallmark Research Institute, San Francisco.